Friday 25 March 2011

Curing Homosexuality? How About Curing Hate?

This morning I posted a link to a petition demanding that Apple remove an iPhone app. that claims to "cure" homosexuality.

How do they do this? Exodus International, the notorious "ex-gay" organisation, offers "freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ" and use scare tactics, misinformation and stereotypes to change the sexuality of their clients. This new tactic targets already impressionable and often confused youth - legitimasing the ostracism dealt to them.

Apple doesn't allow any app. that is "defamatory, offensive, mean-spirited, or likely to place the targeted individual or group in harms way", and yet the app that targets vulnerable youth with a message that their sexual orientation is a "sin that will make your heart sick" is given approval.

I've stewed on this all day. It's really bothered me in a way that most things don't. I tend to get fired up for around five minutes and then something else captures my attention. Not this time.

I'm not going to rant about gay rights because well, we're all intelligent people here, right? We already know that homophobia is stupid. What's bothering me most is the idea that people think they have the right to "cure" anyone of something that is intrinsically them.

As a parent, I'm constantly reminding my children to be themselves, that they are perfect exactly the way that they are. To celebrate their differences and the differences of others because its that that makes them special.
I'm not talking about their sexual orientation. My kids are all under the age of ten and so the question of their sexuality hasn't really come up. (Besides, none of them are having sex with anyone, ever, male, female, or otherwise. Realistic much?) What they do know is that Mummy will love them regardless.

I'm talking about their personalities, those traits that make them who they are.

My eldest is the sweetest, kindest little girl you can imagine. She manages to carry the weight of the world on her very small shoulders because she has such a deep empathy for others. I worry about that. I worry that she'll leave herself open to being used and manipulated. I worry that the burden she carries for others is too great.

My eight year old is funny and happy and more than just a little bit nuts. But, sometimes she surprises me with the very profound thoughts that keep her awake at night. I worry that the nutty little girl with the quick smile is a mask hiding the deeper personality from the world.

My six year old is the sweetest, most generous little boy who would rather give something to someone else than keep it for himself. He's quick to anger but even quicker to forgive. I worry that his generosity and his forgiving nature will be taken advantage of.

My littlest, is a demon on two legs with a smile that could light up the world. I worry that she learns too much from her brothers and sisters and won't be given the chance to develop her own personality.

THat's right - I worry for them. I try to help them to become stronger, better versions of themselves to cope with their strengths and their weaknesses. But would I want to "cure" them of any of these things? Of course not. These are things that make them who they are. That make them individuals.

I'd no sooner "cure" them of these than "cure" my son of his deep brown eyes or my daughter of her blue ones.
We can't, and shouldn't try, to "cure" anyone of anything that makes them who they are, the way schools of old tried to cure left-handedness with a cane. Or the way that Hitler tried to cure the world of Jews and gypsies and homosexuals and anyone else he found disfavourable.

I'm deeply offended by this app. I'm offended as a parent. I'm offended as the sibling of a beautiful, generous and caring man whose soul mate happens to be of the same sex. I'm offended as the friend of many gorgeous, funny, intelligent people who share their lives with members of the same sex. But, most of all, I'm offended as a rational human being.

Instead of curing homosexuality, we should be curing the ignorant and the hateful.

If you're offended by this app. too, please sign the petition demanding that Apple removes it from sale.

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